
Stagnaro Strategic Marketing has spent many years assisting clients in event marketing. After each event we ask our team – how did we do? It’s oftentimes a tough question to answer. If ticket sales increased year over year – what can that be attributed to? Was it the extra print marketing? The digital marketing? The social media? Was the event bigger? Could it be word of mouth? And so on. Adding metrics to the event planning is the key for seeing a 360 degree view of the results at the end of the process. MarketingProfs just published a great article that teaches how to do just that.

The six tips for driving ROI and metrics are:

  1. Use the Same Playbook and Scorekeeper
  2. Engage Your Audience: Collect Consumer Data
  3. Lead Capture Best-Practices: Don’t Waste Your Investment
  4. Post-Event Analysis: Benchmark Your Data
  5. Event Follow-Up: Time Is of the Essence
  6. Debrief; Rinse, Repeat

Get more details for each tip here.