
Social Media Today highlighted a great article today about the five reasons why every business must embrace social media. Heard it before? Yeah I know. But this one does have some good tips, as well as a cool infographic for those of us who can’t be bothered to read more than 140 characters these days.

  1. Social media is inescapable, even to ourselves.
  2. Social media puts a face (or rather, a voice) to the name.
  3. Social media provides exposure for your website, which is one step closer to your ultimate goal.
  4. Social media is a democratic platform that allows direct communication between users big and small.
  5. Social media assigns cultural relevancy to our world at large.

Don’t miss out on the next ALS Ice Bucket Challenge – or whatever ends up being the rage in the next week, or month. Build your community now so you can join the conversation as soon as the next big thing hits. Not sure which outlet to tackle first? Get a high level idea of reach and demographic usage in the infographic here.