
Recently Pinterest announced that it was going to launch Buyable Pins, a button that lets users buy products displayed on the social network’s mobile app. Pinterest has previously been a second thought social media platform – something used more by magazines or tv networks to share their DIY ideas. But with Buyable Pins, Pinterest has now become extremely relevant to retail businesses. Think of the purchasing power this gives to consumers, they can buy something directly from the phone app, as they see it in real time in their suggested feed of pins. No click through (and consumer drop off) needed.

With this exciting news, we thought it was important to highlight this social media channel. Here are 7 things you can do to increase your visibility on Pinterest. For a more in depth look at each tip, head over here.

  1. Include price tags
  2. Use pin it for later links
  3. Show pins to newsletter readers
  4. Find popular group boards
  5. Promote your presence
  6. Drive traffic with blog boards
  7. Track pins from competitor domains